Girls of Color and Title IX An Unfulfilled Promise
In honor of the 48th Anniversary of Title IX join LaChina Robinson, Billie Jean King, Candace Parker, Dawn Staley, Neena Chaudhry and Sarah Axelson for a discussion on the law's impact on girls of color.
Girls of Color and Title IX: An Unfulfilled Promise - A WSF-hosted conversation that dives deep into the intricacies of Title IX, and where the law has left girls of color behind. In honor of the 48th anniversary of the law, the Women’s Sports Foundation brings together some of the most accomplished women in sport, including WNBA champion Candace Parker, University of South Carolina head women’s basketball coach Dawn Staley, the National Women’s Law Center’s Neena Chaudhry and WSF’s Sarah Axelson. Basketball analyst LaChina Robinson moderates and WSF Founder Billie Jean King makes a special guest appearance. Their experiences in sport create a powerful conversation that was both educational and emotional.