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Women in Coaching

High Performance
Last updated: March 18, 2025
Women in Coaching

Following a comprehensive review of survey responses and focus group conversation, Sport Ireland have released the findings of the Women in Sport Coaching Survey undertaken in June 2020.

Brighton plus Helsinki Declaration Principles:

  • Leadership in Sport
  • Education Training and Development
  • Sport Information and Research
  • Resources

Target audience:

  • Sports Administrators
  • Sport Policy Makers
  • Sport Coaches


The research sought to gather information on the coaching experience of females in Ireland and the impact this has on their involvement in coaching.

The specific aims of the research were to:

  • Develop a more in-depth understanding of the status of females in coaching roles on the island of Ireland
  • Investigate the challenges and opportunities to increase the numbers of females coaching across all sports and at all levels; and
  • Use the feedback to develop good practice programmes, resources or strategies that NGBs and LSPs can use to recruit, retain, develop and progress female coaches.


Following a thematic analysis of both survey responses and focus group data, nine themes emerged:

  1. Coaching Network
  2. Barriers to progression
  3. Role models/mentoring
  4. NGB/Club Support
  5. Personal Commitment
  6. Coaching Culture
  7. Confidence
  8. Re-engaging inactive coaches
  9. Learning structures

The Research Report outlines the above themes in depth and also includes coaching factsheets to further highlight the findings.

READ MORE: Women in Coaching

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