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Gender Equality in Coaching Toolkit

Data & Research Methodologies
Last updated: September 4, 2024
Gender Equality in Coaching Toolkit

The SCORE programme team has worked to create a tool kit of information which can be used by any organisation wishing to recruit, develop or retain women in their coaching workforce, at any level. The information included is not sport-specific to allow organisations to use whatever guidance they may find useful.

Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration Principles:

  • Equity and Equality in society and sport
  • Developing Participation
  • Leadership in Sport
  • Education Training and Development
  • Sport Information and Research
  • Resources

Target Audience:

  • Sport Administrators
  • Coaches


Strengthening coaching with the objective to raise equality’ (SCORE) is a European project supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, led by the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO), which promotes equal opportunities, namely gender equality in coaching, and focuses on increasing the number of employed and volunteer women coaches at all levels of sport, as well as enhancing knowledge on gender equality in coach education.


The Toolkit is broken down into 4 sections:

  1. Plan
  2. Recruit
  3. Develop
  4. Retain

Read and download the toolkit

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